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Accepting New Students!

The Impact Scholars program recognizes the hurdles that students who have experienced the foster care system can face and aims to equip students with the tools to succeed. Impact Scholars is aware that those needs may look different for foster care impacted students and aims to meet those needs. By taking a holistic approach to need assessment Impact Scholars creates a network of support as well as focuses events on executive functioning and life skills.

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Program Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in the Impact Scholars program, a student must:
  Have background/placement in the foster care system or have been in care of the state
  Be an actively enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Utah or Salt Lake Community College
  Be 16 years of age or older

Program Requirements


Support fostercare alumi on their journey to and through higher education.



 Impact Scholars provides college access services to Utah's foster care community by addressing barriers often preventing college enrollment and degree completion. Impact Scholars serves anyone in Utah within state custody experience who is older than sixteen.



Serve students who transitioning into higher education. The support continues through graduation. Currently, U and SLCC, Impact Scholars offers multi-year holistic support, including mentorship, advising, scholarships, community and leadership development.


Congratulations to our Impact Scholars Graduates! 


Faith Smart received her bachelor’s degree in Health Society Policy with a minor in Health & Nutrition. She plans on taking an EMT course and registering for PA school to further her goal to become a physician. During her time as an Impact Scholar student she was most grateful for the mentoring support of the Program Manager that helped her navigate imposter syndrome and her academics.

Milika is a Social Work major at the University of Utah. Plans on taking a year break then looking into grad school programs at the University of Utah. Impact Scholars has provided her with mentorship that has greatly influenced her experience providing support throughout her academic experience.  

Anna is a biology and biochemistry major at the University of Utah. She is going on to a PhD and post-baccalaureate program in biochemistry at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Impact Scholars has helped her realize how much she can accomplish in STEM and activism as a Chinese adoptee and former foster care youth, and its resources have helped her reach her goals






Last Updated: 6/13/24