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Scholarship Requirements 2024/2025

program requirements

Scholarship Recipient Obligations
  1. 1. Maintain Good Academic Standing: The student recipient shall maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 throughout their academic program and maintain satisfactory academic standing per university standards. Students must progress in their degree program and stay on the timeline of a 4-to-5-year completion. Must be enrolled as a full-time student, which is 12 credit hours minimum.

  2. 2. Participate in Community Engagement: The student recipient shall participate in one volunteer activity a semester organized through Impact Scholars or another on campus group. They will track their participation and report back to the Impact Schaolrs Program Manager. This encourages students to give back to their campus community and pay it forward.

  3. 3. Meeting with Mentor: The student recipient shall meet with the Impact Scholars program Manager once before the semester starts to ensure they have all the resources they need for the semester. Meeting as needed are welcomed but not required.

Hilton-Lambert Housing Scholarship (Refundable)
Thanks to a generous donor, Impact Scholars is able to cover the cost of on-campus housing for the student recipients on an annual basis. Students will be informed at least 3 months in advance of the housing due date on how much Impact Scholars is able to support in on-campus housing scholarships. Scholarships will be allocated annually, and students will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships annually.
  1. Students must register for the academic year and classes for the indicated term.
  2. Student must apply for the Impact Scholars Hilton-Lambert Housing Scholarship
  3. Student’s must send proof of requested amount (screenshot of housing cost summary)
  4. Students must sign the scholarship acceptance form.
  5. Students must maintain recipient obligations listed below.
  6. Students must join one on campus club or group outside of Impact Scholars. (Membership must be reported to the Impact Scholar Program Manager and signed off on by the club or group advisor)
Distribution Frequency: Distributed once a semester before housing on campus payments are due. Funds will be added directly to student accounts where it is then able to be refundable for off campus housing.
Impact Scholars Student Support Fund (Refundable)
Impact Scholars will establish a support fund, which may apply for by students in the Impact Scholars program, and be used by the student recipient in the case of unforeseen circumstances, such as medical emergencies, family crises, broken essential technology, or other similar situations determined eligible. The student recipient may apply to Impact Scholars for access to the support fund, and if approved, the funds will be provided to the student recipient in the form of a refundable scholarship.
1. Students must register for the academic year and classes for the indicated term

2. Students must sign the scholarship acceptance form

3. Students must maintain recipient obligations listed below

4. Students must participate in one community service activity per semester. (These hours must be signed off on and submitted to the Impact Scholar Program Manager by the end of the semester)

5. Students must submit FASFA award letters and tuition summary to the Impact Scholar Program Manager.

Distribution Frequency: Applications will open once a month; amounts will be distributed based on need, determined by FASFA award letters and tuition summary. Funds will be distributed into the student’s account and may take up to a week or longer before they can be accessed.


Last Updated: 6/13/24